Publications List Search Advanced Filters Author - Any -A. AgnonT. AhrensJ-P. AmpueroW. AndersonJ.G. ArmbrusterT. ArnadottirG. BaerE. BayartN.M. BeelerP. BhattacharyaA. BosM.G. BostockA. BradleyW-S. ChenY-G. ChenN. ChristensenL. ChuangH. ColellaE.M. del CastilloP. DelaneyJ. DieterichT. DuffyE. EndoB. FerdowsiY. FialkoD. GillardJ-L. GotJ. HawthorneA. HeimannH. HoustonM. JacksonD. KilbB. KilgoreW.-Y. KimE. KiteL-S. LeeT. LiY. LiuS-T. LuC. MaddenC. MaroneG. NoletK. OkazakiP. OkuboY. PengZ. PengD.D. PollardJ. PrevostM. PritchardJ. RiceK. Richards-DingerA.M. RubinD.M. RubinC. RubinS.D. SaltzerH. SavageG. SavardB. SchoeneP. SegallT. SekineC. SongA. StreigN. SukumarA. ThomasS. ThompsonT.E. TullisJ. VidaleE. WangC. WolfeA. Ziv Type - Any -BookConference ProceedingsGovernment ReportJournal Article Year - Any -2023202220212020201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200520032002200019991998199719961995199319921991199019881987 Keyword - Any -aftershockaftershock modelanalytic solutionsarray of arraysasymmetryBayesian inversionborehole strain databorehole strainmeterCaliforniaCascadiaCascadia subduction zoneChi-Chi earthquakecorner frequencycoseismic foldingCoulomb Stresscross correlationcross-station methoddissimilar mediaearthquake cycleearthquake Mechanicsearthquake nucleationearthquake physicsearthquake relocationearthquakes simulationepisodic slipepisodic tremor and slipfault constitutive equationsfault gouge dilatancyfault mechanicsfault zone healingFrictionfrictional healingGuerrero, Mexicolaboratory frictionlow-frequency earthquakesmicroearthquakemicroearthquakesmodelingmoment magnitudemoment-duration scalingMt. Lewis, Californiamulticontact interfaceNorth Americanumerical simulationpaleoseismologypermeability evolutionPerpendicular Faultsphysics of earthquakesrate and state frictionrate- and state-dependent frictionRate-and-Staterate-and-state frictionrate-state frictionRelocated Earthquakesrock mechanicsruptureS-waveSan AndreasSan Andreas faultseismic attenuationseismic nucleation phasesshort-term evolution of slow slipslipslip/tremor migrationslow earthquakesslow slipslow slip eventsspatial distributionspatiotemporal analysesstate evolution lawssubduction zonesubduction zonestectonic tremortensile stressthe cross-station methodthe Olympic Peninsulatransient slip eventstremortremor burststremor detection and locationtremor location algorithmstwo-scale modelUnited Statesvelocity-weakening to -strengthening transitionweakening to strengthening transition Publications Category - Any -Dike PropagationEarthquake NucleationEarthquake Relocation and Fault MechanicsEpisodic Slow Slip and TremorGraduateUndergraduate AuthorTitleTypeYear ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 6 Publications Applied Filters: First Letter Of Title: I Reset I Rubin, A.M., and J.G. Armbruster. (2013) 2013. “Imaging Slow Slip Fronts in Cascadia With High Precision Cross-Station Tremor Locations”. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 14 (12). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: 5371-92. doi:10.1002/2013GC005031. Ahrens, T., and A.M. Rubin. 1993. “Impact-Induced Tensional Failure in Rock”. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (E1). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: 1185-1203. doi:10.1029/92JE02679. Kilb, D., and A.M. Rubin. 2002. “Implications of Diverse Fault Orientations Imaged in Relocated Aftershocks of the Mount Lewis, ML 5.7, California, Earthquake”. J. Geophys. Res. 107 (B11). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: - ESE 5. doi:10.1029/2001JB000149. Ziv, A., and A.M. Rubin. 2003. “Implications of Rate-and-State Friction for Properties of Aftershock Sequence: Quasi-Static Inherently Discrete Simulations”. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (B1). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: 23/1 -15. doi:10.1029/2001JB001219. Peng, Y., and A.M. Rubin. (2017) 2017. “Intermittent Tremor Migrations Beneath Guerrero, Mexico, and Implications for Fault Healing Within the Slow Slip Zone”. Geophys. Res. Lett. 44 (2). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: 760 – 770. Referenced from Intermittent tremor migrations beneath Guerrero, Mexico, and implications for fault healing within the slow slip zone. Prevost, J., A.M. Rubin, and N. Sukumar. 2017. “Intersecting Faults Simulation for Three-Dimensional Reservoir-Geomechanical Models”. Poromechanics 2017- Proceedings of the 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics. doi:10.1061/9780784480779.247.