Publications List Search Advanced Filters Author - Any -A. AgnonT. AhrensJ-P. AmpueroW. AndersonJ.G. ArmbrusterT. ArnadottirK.A. BacikG. BaerE. BayartN.M. BeelerP. BhattacharyaA. BosM.G. BostockI.C. BourgA. BradleyJ.C. BurtonW-S. ChenY-G. ChenN. ChristensenL. ChuangH. ColellaK.E. DanielsS.S. DattaE.M. del CastilloE. Del GadoP. DelaneyN.S. DeshpandeO. DevauchelleJ. DieterichT. DuffyE. EndoB. FerdowsiY. FialkoD. GillardR. GladeL. GoehringJ-L. GotJ. HawthorneA. HeimannI.J. HewittM. HoussaisH. HoustonM. JacksonD. JerolmackR. JuanesD. KilbB. KilgoreW.-Y. KimE. KiteA. KudrolliC.-Y. LaiL-S. LeeW. LiT. LiY. LiuS-T. LuC. MaddenC. MaroneC. MastellerK. NissankaG. NoletK. OkazakiP. OkuboY. PengZ. PengD.D. PollardJ. PrevostM. PritchardJ. RiceK. Richards-DingerA.M. RubinD.M. RubinC. RubinS.D. SaltzerH. SavageG. SavardB. SchoeneP. SegallT. SekineC. SongH.A. StoneA. StreigJ. SuckaleN. SukumarA. ThomasS. ThompsonT.E. TullisJ. VidaleA. VoigtländerN.M. VriendE. WangJ.S. WettlauferC. WolfeJ.Q. YangA. Ziv Type - Any -BookConference ProceedingsGovernment ReportJournal Article Year - Any -20242023202220212020201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200520032002200019991998199719961995199319921991199019881987 Keyword - Any -aftershockaftershock modelanalytic solutionsarray of arraysasymmetryBayesian inversionborehole strain databorehole strainmeterCaliforniaCascadiaCascadia subduction zoneChi-Chi earthquakecorner frequencycoseismic foldingCoulomb Stresscross correlationcross-station methoddissimilar mediaearthquake cycleearthquake Mechanicsearthquake nucleationearthquake physicsearthquake relocationearthquakes simulationepisodic slipepisodic tremor and slipfault constitutive equationsfault gouge dilatancyfault mechanicsfault zone healingFrictionfrictional healingGuerrero, Mexicolaboratory frictionlow-frequency earthquakesmicroearthquakemicroearthquakesmodelingmoment magnitudemoment-duration scalingMt. Lewis, Californiamulticontact interfaceNorth Americanumerical simulationpaleoseismologypermeability evolutionPerpendicular Faultsphysics of earthquakesrate and state frictionrate- and state-dependent frictionRate-and-Staterate-and-state frictionrate-state frictionRelocated Earthquakesrock mechanicsruptureS-waveSan AndreasSan Andreas faultseismic attenuationseismic nucleation phasesshort-term evolution of slow slipslipslip/tremor migrationslow earthquakesslow slipslow slip eventsspatial distributionspatiotemporal analysesstate evolution lawssubduction zonesubduction zonestectonic tremortensile stressthe cross-station methodthe Olympic Peninsulatransient slip eventstremortremor burststremor detection and locationtremor location algorithmstwo-scale modelUnited Statesvelocity-weakening to -strengthening transitionweakening to strengthening transition Publications Category - Any -Dike PropagationEarthquake NucleationEarthquake Relocation and Fault MechanicsEpisodic Slow Slip and TremorGraduateUndergraduate AuthorTitleTypeYear ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 Publications Applied Filters: First Letter Of Last Name: S Reset S Segall, P., A.M. Rubin, A. Bradley, and J. Rice. 2010. “Dilatant Strengthening As a Mechanism for Slow Slip Events”. J. Geophys. Res. 115 (B12). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: 1-37. doi:10.1029/2010JB007449. Sekine, T., T. Duffy, A.M. Rubin, W. Anderson, and T. Ahrens. (1995) 1995. “Shock Compression and Isentropic Release of Granite”. Gji 120 (2): 247-61. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.1995.tb01817.x. Sekine, T., A.M. Rubin, and T. Ahrens. 1991. “Shock Wave Equation of State of Muscovite”. J. Geophys. Res. 96 (B12). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: 19,675 -19. doi:10.1029/91JB02253. Song, C., and A.M. Rubin. 2021. “The Spatial Relationship Between Contemporaneous Tremor Detections in Relatively Low- and High-Frequency Bands”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126. John Wiley and Sons Inc. doi:10.1029/2021JB022569. Streig, A., C. Rubin, W-S. Chen, Y-G. Chen, L-S. Lee, S. Thompson, C. Madden, and S-T. Lu. 2007. “Evidence for Prehistoric Coseismic Folding Along the Tsaotun Segment of the Chelungpu Fault Near Nan-Tou, Taiwan”. J. Geophys. Res. 112 (B3). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. doi:10.1029/2006JB004493.